Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I am thankful for...

*My parents. They are the most intelligent, caring, dedicated, hard-working, and compassionate people I know. I am blessed and HONORED to have them in my corner. I owe them more than I will ever be able to repay, and I attribute the person I am today to the LOVE and the wealth of knowledge they share/ have shared with me.

*My son, Trey. He is the most AMAZING and kind-hearted boy out there. He tackles challenges head on... with a thirst to overcome and a need to break them wide open! He continues to surprise me daily. He is one of my greatest achievements, and he saved my life (and continues to every day.)

*My daughter, Eisley. I find love and light in everything she does. She has a natural energy that consumes her. She is going to be a passionate and driven person as she continues to grow up. I was born to be her mother.

*My daughter, Emery. The softness and sweetness within her amazes me. She looks at everything like she is looking at it for the first time. Every moment is an adventure and an experience, and I have learned so much in being her mother.

*My husband, Frank. We might have our differences, but being able to wake up next to him every morning has changed my life in ways I can't even explain. I had lost faith in romantic love, and he opend my eyes to a world I hadn't even imagined. He has blessed me with our wonderful children, and memories that will stay with me always.

*My brother (and his wonderful wife and daughter) and my sister. They are my best friends. Growing up we had to come together in ways that made our relationship stronger than most. We have helped one another through some of the darkest times, and have shared in the triumph and joy of success. We would not hesitate to defend one another, at any cost, and my world is a better place because they are in it :)

*My in-laws. It's lovely to be connected to and learn from a group of people who know my husband inside and out, and to share in the joys of the family expanding. Family isn't defined by blood.

*The very few friends I am still in contact with! They have walked beside me in my troubled times, celebrated with me in my times of joy, and been there for all of the moments in between.

*Shrimp Cocktail. Mmmmm.

*Musicians who still play their own instruments, write their own songs, and stay true to what made them passionate about music to begin with.

*My handheld Bissel 3 in 1 Vacuum cleaner.

*The way the air smells when it starts to get colder.

*The colors of fall.

*Sadness, without which I would not be able to fully appreciate happiness.

*My minivan :)

*The ability to come together with those who share in my faith!

*The Food Network, and all of the amazing chefs out there!!

*Instant pudding.

*Finger paints, pastels, watercolors, crayons, magic markers, colored pencils, charcoal, chalk, and any other medium by which art can be brought to fruition! 

*Instruments... the ones I play and the ones I don't, along with those who grace the world with their musical talent!

*Cheese :)

*Surviving my teenage years! 

*Those who defend this country.

*Freedom of Speech.


*Grey's Anatomy, Top Chef, River Monsters, Colbert Report, and all of "my shows!"

*My ability to write, be it good or bad it is something that is unique to ME.

*Those who are open-minded!

*The Internet!



*Emilie Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, and all of the other writers who have given me something to ponder and appreciate over the years.

*Warm smiles.

*Eye Contact!

*Movies, and the few actors that impress me greatly with their talent and dedication to their craft :) Keep up the good work!

*The few children's shows that are actually still educational!

*Old pictures and notes.

*Coming home for Christmas!!

*Hot coffee and cold beer.

*Always having had a roof over my head and food in my stomach!!


*All of the things my parents worked so hard to provide me with when I was growing up! Thank you Thank you Thank you.


*My ability to CHOOSE, reason, and make decisions.

*Napping after Thanksgiving dinner.

*The way I feel things... and the way I over-analyze and am overly self-critical. Some call it drama, and I am ok with that. I know I am alive and have lived.

*Post-it notes.


*Second chances.

*Playstation 3 :)

*Text messaging!

*Having experienced everything I've experienced, and finding out that it's never too late to change.

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